Ontario Investing in a Stronger Public Health Sector

Ontario Investing in a Stronger Public Health Sector

New Horizons in Paramedics and Ambulance Services Accessibility

A Turning Point in Public Health Investment

Change is afoot in Ontario. The provincial government, in a robust response to the needs of its citizens, is laying down the gauntlet in the world of health care. The focus? A vigorous, robust public health sector with the capacity to connect people to care rapidly and conveniently.

Come 2024, expect a windfall of $47 million in annual base funding for public health units, reverting to a tried-and-true cost-share ratio of 75/25 between the province and municipalities.

A Future-Ready Public Health Strategy

“We're not just building; we're strengthening,” announces Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “More convenience, more consistency - that's our motto. The pandemic was a lesson; now it's time for action. The funding increase is a beacon towards a public health system that stands firm for Ontario's future.”

Fast-Track to Emergency Care and Enhanced Land Ambulance Services

Time is of the essence, and Ontario knows it. A six per cent surge in land ambulance funding means over $811 million invested this year alone. That’s more paramedics, more ambulances, more lives saved.

A Forward-Thinking Approach with the Dedicated Offload Nurses Program

51 million dollars over three years may sound like numbers on a page, but in the hands of the Dedicated Offload Nurses Program, it’s a lifeline. Hospitals, paramedics, communities – they all stand to benefit.

Connected and Convenient – Ontario's Health Blueprint

Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care isn't merely a document; it's a promise. Ontario is on the move, strengthening, evolving, responding to the health needs and priorities of its people, wherever they may be.

By the Numbers - Quick Facts

  • A pandemic that taught us lessons about strength, collaboration, and stability.
  • A rise in provincial funding by 16 per cent since 2018 for public health programs and services.
  • A 2023 landmark investment of $811 million, an 11 per cent average increase in funding for municipalities which will lead towards more investment in efforts like Community Paramedicine.
  • $44 million more for 165 emergency departments to reduce waiting and bring timely care closer to home.

This isn't just policy; it's a pathway. Ontario is investing, growing, and preparing to meet the future. In health, as in life, the province is making strides, one committed step at a time.

Source: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1003399/ontario-investing-in-a-stronger-public-health-sector

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